fredag den 9. oktober 2020


listening to rock that feels swaying, theres a smell of tobacco lingering and i writing time while photos from 2020 is loading. its been 8 years since this space was created and its been 2 years since i left denmark. Both timespands consists of cycles of growing, and reading back each october since then and thinking back since i went on a plane to australia. "I talk to myself alot, but i am not always good at listening", said Danni. Not in any serious spiritual or intellectual context, but hit home for me later as i read the posts from past years. Its only the words that are used to describe the situations, people or feelings that has changed over the years. The essence of much of my life journey has much been about being true to who I am. Challenged with the desire to be a "someone" for people i admire, which had made me build up all kinds of ego's and made me crazy attentive on others outer-perception of me, rather than my own perception of my inner me. How long i have been distanced from this knowing, and how little room i have made for more contact. Major lack of self-worth, how was i to feel that i had value if people or structures of which supported my being, did not find me valueable? today with a relation to this living magical nature of life, i understand we are all insignificantly significant.

What is really apparent in those posts and without question what has kept me going is my carefree spirit. I have been blessed to have been able recognizing the conditions, solutions and teachings from suffering, with the help of this world in many ways. I wish i could contemplate more but i am on the beach

Posts from past years octobers


Hey der aus. Jeg er møg træt, har sovet i halvanden time, og skal i kirke om få timer. Jeg mangler at læser biologi og pakke ud. Men lige nu slapper jeg bare af, er simpelthen så træt.
Ja men grunden er, årstur. En gang om året tager vi ud til et vandrehjem, overnatter og fester. Og hvert år er der en tema for festen, sidste år var det gys og skurke agtigt noget, og så gælder det så om at klæde sig bedst ud. Iår var det tider, romertiden, 60'erne, 80'erne, og min tid, fremtiden.
Som egentlig bare er sølvpapir, volar!
Jeg har virkelig hygget mig, og haft det enormt sjovt! jeg lavede varm kakao kl.5 om morgenen med mine små venner, og den var G-O-D.
Ihvertfald, kunne jeg ikk modstå og lige skyde nogle billeder af den flotte strand udsigt vi havde, især med det flotte vejr.
Fuck det mandag imorgen...nej jeg mener WUHU det mandag imorgen, gør hverdag til en fest gutter!
#KH Ansebamsenamse.


Vil jeg gerne have en stram flad mave? JA! Vil jeg ha salat eller pizza? PIZZA! Vil jeg ud og svede? NO! Vil jeg heller se en film og æde popcorn? JA!

Vil jeg ligne en million hverdag? JA! Kræver det tid om morgenen? ja.. Vil jeg hellere ligne lort og sove længe? JA! 

Kunne jeg tænke mig en mere livlig blog?

 JA! Vil jeg heller se pewdiepie på youtube, end at skrive et indlæg? JA!

Ergo står dovenskab først for alt. 


Min lejlighed skal renoveres, så min familie og jeg skal bo et andet sted midlertidigt. Så jeg bor nu i præcis den samme lejlighed, bare et andet sted, og istedet for 2.sal, bor jeg på 3.sal.Under flytningen, bar jeg tunge kasser, møbler og sække, ned fra 2.sal og op til 3.sal. Og under lidelsen, tænkte jeg på ting der kunne sørge for at man slap for denne lidelse.

- En elevator
Som i mit tilfælde ikke var til stede.

Som jeg besidder minimale mængder af.

-Ingen svedkirtler
Denne egenskab ville være unødvendig hvis jeg havde de 2 ovenstående ting.

-Færre ting
Færre ting at flytte, mindre ydelse.

Hav det godt venner! Dovenskab længe leve!#KH Annar


100 kr., erstatter ikke din tilstedeværelse
Smil, gør ikke op med min angst
Tjenester, heler ikke arene i mit ansigt
Minder, er det der sårer mig mest
Gør noget
Føl noget
Mærk forhelvede efter
For godmorgen, gør ikke min morgen god, ligesom at godnat ikke gør min nat god



Jeg kan ikke falde i søvn. Så jeg vil ligge og skrive om hvordan jeg går og har det. Jeg har det super nederen. Konstant irriteret, sur og på randen til at græde. Ikke når jeg er sammen med mennesker, fordi mennesker gør mig glad, eller får mig til at glemme at jeg har det nederen. Jeg kan bar ikk forstå hvorfor det er kommet eller hvornår jeg er begyndt at have det sådan. Mine venner ved godt jeg har det stramt. Jeg nævner det kort for jeg hader at gi dårlige vibes. Det ikke fordi jeg skal til at lave den store psykoanalyse på mig selv, men ja det er vel bare stress. Som jeg ikke forstår eller ihvertfald ikk har lyst til at anderkende idet jeg ikk føler at jeg laver så meget alligevel. Ikke hvis jeg sammenligner mig med andre og deres gøren. Ikke hvis jeg tænker på hvad jeg ellers før har beskæftiget mig med. Man ka sige jeg føler ikke at jeg burde få stress af det jeg laver i mit liv. Jeg tror jeg bilder mig ind at jeg har travlt, og bekymrer mig mere end jeg burde over ting som jeg ikke bør bekymrer mig om. Jeg ligger for meget omtanke i det jeg laver, men det også fordi jeg vil gøre ting godt. Jeg hader kaos. Men jeg er ikke andet end kaos. Og det er virkeligt stramt


Hej bloggen.

Der er så meget. Ved ikke hvordan jeg skal koordinerer det her indlæg, men prøver at samle nogle tanker jeg render rundt med for tiden.

JEG HADER REGERINGEN. Jeg er så træt af de omstændigheder vi unge lever med. Alt det der med fremdrift og konstant at skulle præstere. Når jeg høre om man i 'vores forældres generation' (mine gik ikke i skole i dk), hvor der var plads til at drømme og fejle, bliver jeg simpelthen så trist for min og fremtidige generationer. Alle er stressede, flere bliver deprimeret, og det kan man fanme godt forstå når vi er vokset op med en konstant påmindelse om at vi er så priviligeret som vi er og derfor skal skynde os med at betale tilbage til det system der har givet os de privilegier. Ud over at uddannelsessektoren sutter, så spiller vores 'viden' også en rolle ift alting af nederen. Vi er utrolig oplyste. 'Det skal man ikke spise det er farligt for dit helbred', 'Det der er dårligt for miljøet', 'Hvad skal du bruge matC til?'. Jeg er ikke den bedste med ord, især ikke når jeg skriver i en tankestrøm, men vi er vokset op med et ansvar for samfundet, os selv og verdenen. Det er i mine øjne en væsentlig faktor for hvorfor folk har det så nederen i dag. Vi skal sku passe på alt og alle, og vi skal være så nøje med vores valg.

Pt. går jeg også i gennem en form for 'jeg er intet værd'-periode. Det nok også derfor jeg fylder mit kalender ud til renden, og laver alt muligt. Jeg vil så gerne være gerne være god til alt, og hele mit liv har jeg være god til at lade som om. Det er let for mig at gennemskue mennesker og systemer, derfor ka jeg regne ud hvad der er smart at gøre, sige og være. Men fuck jeg vil hellere bare være mig, pisse klam kliche, men det er virkelig gået op for mig det sidste års tid hvor bittert det er, ikke at kende sig selv. Men det er mere de her roller jeg har, for forskellige mennesker og grupper, som stresser og forvirrer mig utroligt meget. Er jeg den ansvarlige, den lollede og glade eller datteren der ikke vil andet end at feste?

Gongere er stadig syge i hovedet og stiller spørgsmålstegn til min søster omkring min insta.

Jeg kan igen komme på boogies. Til gengæld er jeg kommet frem til at alkohol ikke burde have en plads i mit liv, og har endelig affundet mig med min alkoholintolerance.

PS. min blog er ikke længere som en henvisning på min insta. Sys det blev lidt for ømt og hvis man er dedikeret læsere så er alle sådan set velkommen. Det gik op for mig at fx. små børn i hca-paraden kunne læse om mine forholdsvis triste indlæg, såee.



Jeg har fået en underlig smerte på min venstre pegetå, på trods af at jeg har været god til at pleje mine fødder. Tiden går fortsat hurtigt, men heldigvis er der sker mindeværdige ting så ugen ikke bliver glemt. Jeg har lært Maria at spille backgammon, og snakket om sex og feminisme med Tobias. Ugen har været solrig, og det fortsatte til søndag hvor der var teambuilding og fest i Lavo for alle medarbejder på storefjell. Jeg havde været på morgenvagt inden, og arbejdet 3 dage op til, og når man danser på sten så kan det hurtigt gå galt. I hvertfald vågnede jeg op med en hævet ankel. Okay aftnen var episk, først var der bueskydning, så mad og dans og live musik i lavo, så fælles bustur på Pers og så nash (ordet for efterfest) på hesla. Det var for grinern. Pers holdte kun åbent for os, så det var selfølgelg ikke en rigtig bytur, men det var sygt nok at se stedet og få lov til at feste til selvvalgt musik. Jeg føler mig mere nede med en masse af kokkene efter den aften, og ser kun frem til at sku på cruise med de folk i januar


Manny laver en shit god morgenmad og pynter med frugt. Han elsker at være Stoned. Folk sys han er den bedste danser. De tror han er pisse stiv, men han drikker ikke alkohol. Han spiser rugbrød. For ham er kæledyr åndsvage. Ernære os sundt. Har taget stoffer men aldrig hero. Værdsætter natmad. Han gir andre lyst til at danse. Vi tror ting sker for det gode. Vi føler os blessed. Hans skæg gir ham et ekstra lag thoughness. Vi samler på småting og tager en masse billeder for at huske shit. Vi kan godt lide at have floor for os selv. Vi danser for os selv, og ville også vinde intim danceoff.
Snacks er det bedste. Manny is me.

Vi snakkede om vores bålaften

Han satte Beach house på
Min usikkerhed forsvandt først efter jeg blev skæv
Mit frosøg på at sætte ord på min fremtidsfrygt fejlede
Han hærte til en af dem der havde givet op og troede på en verden ala blade runner

Siddharta book 
"He understood them, he shared their life, a life not guided by ideas and insights but only by impulses and desires."

I am really the best place embedded in the perfect space created by some seriously great folks. My journey has been slowly going backwards from full-on-well-established permaculture farm, sustainable living, growing and processing (almost) everything from food (fruit, veg, butter, cheese, flour), gas for cooking (biodigester), soaps, and structures (natural building, harvesting/dumster diving materials) - to urban farm where I firstly was sad eating only 20% from homegrown food, but uplifted by the approaches to move cities in a less ecocidal and more healing direction, and the beautiful souls that exist and persist the busy, mindless, consumption driven city - and now to this little gem hidden in a small village where we just made their first raised bed in their one year old garden! Dieu Anh and Loi, this lovely couple, are these "corporate refugees", having escaped the city to return to their ancestors land and slowly shaping this place called, Dream Up Journey. Here the philosophies are patience is love; there a no days "off" because humans was not given a switch but awareness to experience each day; we are not seperate from earth or each other. They were stamped as the crazy people of the village because they chose a bamboo structure rather than a concrete house, but last summer all the old people and children spent the heat of the day at their house. I am really crazy about this place, there is a peaceful waterhole with sweettasting water, I learn so much vietnamese culture, slowly gaining the vocabulary to speak about love, ecology and other awesome aspects of life, and get to put what i've learned into practice! they are going to give me a plot of the garden to grow what i want and keep a journal for a future succesor. It is so exciting, already have Phil sending me cuttings and Alicia sending me loads of seeds, my thoughts are to build some soil, grow food and incorporate the fish in the pond. The wifi is pretty good too so get to call home, and stay connected with loved ones. Really feel like my love for others and life is limitless. Appreciating all the people holding me in the space of healing, conversations about where and how to move into a uncertain future, people cheering and showing support on social media, and lots of love from intimate but faraway connections. 

søndag den 21. juni 2020

February worded

14th june
Loads of learning and expansion in ways of relating to others and myself.
Sexually I was challenged, feeling attraction to people in my community and a big desire to be touched and share physical intimacy. Being here though, with all the many different aspects of community living -  sharing space, having limited privacy, learning and working together, time for personal growth – it seemed unwise to start sexual relationships and putting energy into sex when so much else is much more exciting and beneficial for myself and others. I really appreciated having Mateo to share this with, exploring this conversation allowed that energy to flow and opened up possibilities to direct it to something else and to other opportunities to meet those needs. Mateo shared the erotic book that he found and on the morning of 14th of February I had to bring out my matress to dry because I had successfully enjoyed an orgasm without using any vibrator. It was truly empowering and fucking awesome.

A deep appreciation of this well-structured app-program, of how much thought and consideration that has been put into a genuine desire to successfully inspire, educate and empower people, continues to be felt each day, but it stood out for the first time on my One-on-one with Timo. A space to share thoughts and stories, ideas on how Rancho can improve our experience here and time to get to know one another. Really admired the way that Timo communicated his and the coreteam’s request of me not being topless, just one of the many moments where Timo makes me reflect on the “art of compromise”. I could recognize his desire to be respectful of the established culture where he is a newcomer and of the absurdity of sexualizing a female’s breast, and the self-awareness of knowing his own boundaries to stress.

The gratitude and awe was very overwhelming and I found myself questioning my own worthiness of such amazing place and people, just like when I got the spot last year. It was very special sharing this with Mateo as well; how we don’t expect the best things of life to become reality; that those things don’t come easily or we hope for them to happen but find it naïve to believe that it actually will. That combined with my insecurities and desire to be likeable, made me feel super intimidated by the core team. Especially Timo, who is by all the people I’ve ever communicated with probably the most difficult person to read, and at the same time the one who seems to me like the most wise, kind, compassionate, thoughtful, intelligent and much more person I’ve ever met. I respect and admire him, and his impression of me felt meaningful.

It became important to me to be part of a harmonious community. I recognized how much energy the core team use on being social, managing people, employees, guests, students, apps, and all their areas around the Ranch, how many times they had to answer the same questions with new people coming in and out all the time. So to balance my reliance on them, I would ask myself before asking them what will I do with this information? Why am I asking this/Can I figure it out on my own? Finding a balance between asking for needed help and to just simply be informed.

During the time with the Arie students here I really improved my ultimate frisbee game, and also began to embrace my youthfulness, with all its insecurities, lack of wisdom and fuck-ups. Finding peace in all of it, while still aspiring to become as wise as Timo and loving as Danni, I was enjoying the experience to become that. Shared a beautiful evening with the best of the Arie guys under the stars, and as all of us opened our hearts we discovered how much we were alike. Their perception of me, was exactly how I wanted to be perceived, super confident and ‘I got it all figured out’-kinda person, and as I shared my insecurities and fears that bubble popped, and it was a warming affirmation, for all of us I think, that the human experience is pretty much the same, just with different stories.

My relationship to nature grew every day, surrounded by jungle throughout the whole day, so many sounds and sights of birds, animals, insects and plants. I remember picking up Hope For The Flowers, mainly because it caught my eye with its yellow cover, but it was my desire to know more about nature and understand how others relate and how they pass that on to children that made me read that book. And that serendipitous moment when Al (who I felt big attraction too) is a good friend of the author and wrote a song for the book, you know it just felt like another moment where life is singing for me, “you go girl!” -  along with that night where we went to the river at night to listen to frogs.
Felt so blessed to for the group, how I could share so much with such different and unique personalities, and how well we all worked together. We were all motivating each other to grow in skills and knowledge, as well as more loving and happy people, I remember during our first meetings how Anthony shared his request for us to be more considerate of how we conversate, and invited us to listen more actively and reminding us that its more important to listen than to respond . I could see myself in one’s ways of practicality and spirituality; in one’s sillines and sexuality; with one energetically and sensitivity; in one’s straight-forwardness and organized’ness; in one’s philosophical, observative, calm and groovy vibe; and a last one’s light and rhythmic energy. My community contribution skill was wood, and I cherish those mornings in the beginning where we would all sit in by the main house hammocks reading in the soft morning light, with the water flowing from the humidity and our coffee mugs.

I felt more confident in holding space for healing, sharing my massage with Mateo, Anthony, Robin and Amanda from the Natural Building course. Connecting with Amanda strengthened my belief of the universe as not separate from people, and life as magical – receiving her reiki healing was truly healing. Drawing + missing phil

  • -          Follow through in every task
  • -          Be true to you
  • -          Self-affirmation
  • -          Spanish; count 1-30; verbs –ar,-er, ir; Smells wonderfull = rico
  • -          Ask for blessing rather than forgiveness
  • -          Enjoy the messy, confused, insecurities of youth – all through life

February pho-toes