torsdag den 24. oktober 2019

phoney notes

Environmentalism, is not the right word, it kinda objectifies the environment, it is love for life and living planet. When you live its wellbeing is your wellbeing, whether or not it has any practical or tangiable impact on your life. If i love it i care about it. It doesnt matter that it draws carbon down, clean water ond air, i love this being.
Now with climate change/ biosphere emergency we can use the reasons of “self-interest” to move us to healing this living planet, if she goes down we will too, but this the environmentalist using fear to "persuade" others (team bad/climate deniers), who are seperate from them (team good) - the urgency of what i love being in a emergency, moves to take the "self-interest"-reasoning and use force. 


he is this drama Queen
Sassy and fine

Love sourdough
Swims in water kefir
Eat when you hungry
These are the truth from the bigger consciousness universal ruel, that you are so blessed to be presented to by me, i am your god

I am the King of every kitchen in the world
And everyone will know how to cook like a god, and make sourdough
No this is not pizza, it is italian focaccioa, because it has No cheese Quynh, she respons’s but we could still put some cheese one it
Enjoy the market, BUT pay attention to what you but, it should not be from China!

I feel like Im on a shooting star

This is capitalism. Scarcity, never having enough, and reliant on them to serve your need, be depended on money rather than relationship. Favouring quantatise trees instead of qualitize each individual beautiful tree

How my energy changes when i talk about Phil, the light in me that loves how we both are in the best place we both could be and its only getting better, whether or not I will be present in his life

Charles eisenstein, podcasts notes
Where i draw so much healing and wisdom from

Habbits of productivuty and effe, ultimately habbits of scarcity, of time,- we are producing all the things we can measure at the cost of all the things we cannot, time is urgent but in contrary we must slow down, biggest challenge for our generation; to be patient in an emergency is our greates trial, firefighter saying”slow is smooth, smooth is fast”, we only learn through intellect - do we have time for relationships?

We dont need to force or kill anyone, let go of enjoyment or stop living, in order to survive. I say connect with nature, our nature of what is feels to be alive. We are not self-plus evolutionary beings only acting in the name of self production, we are doing this for the color of living, for the joy and beauty of life. As a species we cannot only survive, we need to flourish, what else are we surviving for? To continue surviving? Or so that we can rediscover what it is to be alive? Yes i want to give the children of the future clean air and water and none living thing starve, but more importantly i want to give them a world of beauty, connection to all beings, loving and compassionate relationships, a life where they are filled with confidence. Where the places to watch the nightsky clearly (which require  cities without lightpollution), feel the energy of an old forrest and be held in magical water are bountiful. Where they can look back an honour the past, be joyful in the present and excited for a future.

Indigenous culture so simple and so rich, relationship and respect Earth is top law, so attractive for many and such an important place of wisdom especially today and in future, filled with complexity.

to be off the land 4.50; know the name of the trees, hear a song and know the bird, a plants smells or its medicine, dont understand what soil is where, the stories behind the landforms, streams and Hills, what happened their a generation or two ago - when you are imbedded in the land you become humility it becomes a respectful relationship, contra our abusive and seperated relationship.

The “freedom” in financial wealth; real freedom is when you can give everything away and know that you are safe/belong, the price is loss of control and certainty.

d.7/10- 24/10, dreamy place where it keeps getting better and better!

I am really the best place embedded in the perfect space created by some seriously great folks. My journey has been slowly going backwards from full-on-well-established permaculture farm, sustainable living, growing and processing (almost) everything from food (fruit, veg, butter, cheese, flour), gas for cooking (biodigester), soaps, and structures (natural building, harvesting/dumster diving materials) - to urban farm where I firstly was sad eating only 20% from homegrown food, but uplifted by the approaches to move cities in a less ecocidal and more healing direction, and the beautiful souls that exist and persist the busy, mindless, consumption driven city - and now to this little gem hidden in a small village where we just made their first raised bed in their one year old garden! Dieu Anh and Loi, this lovely couple, are these "corporate refugees", having escaped the city to return to their ancestors land and slowly shaping this place called, Dream Up Journey. Here the philosophies are patience is love; there a no days "off" because humans was not given a switch but awareness to experience each day; we are not seperate from earth or each other. They were stamped as the crazy people of the village because they chose a bamboo structure rather than a concrete house, but last summer all the old people and children spent the heat of the day at their house. I am really crazy about this place, there is a peaceful waterhole with sweettasting water, I learn so much vietnamese culture, slowly gaining the vocabulary to speak about love, ecology and other awesome aspects of life, and get to put what i've learned into practice! they are going to give me a plot of the garden to grow what i want and keep a journal for a future succesor. It is so exciting, already have Phil sending me cuttings and Alicia sending me loads of seeds, my thoughts are to build some soil, grow food and incorporate the fish in the pond. The wifi is pretty good too so get to call home, and stay connected with loved ones. Really feel like my love for others and life is limitless. Appreciating all the people holding me in the space of healing, conversations about where and how to move into a uncertain future, people cheering and showing support on social media, and lots of love from intimate but faraway connections. 

mandag den 14. oktober 2019

The Celestine Prophecy

I am in big big big gratitude to the marvelous french Oliver for sharing this book with me. "Total synchronicity as per what i was experiencing in life and reading in the lines", he wrote, which is exactly how i felt. this gift was meant passed on to DK to Buchi, but my greek friend Costa has to read it first!

“Working to establish a more comfortable styke of survival has grown to feel complete in and of itself as a reason to live, and we’ve gradually, methodically, forgotten our original question. We have forgotten that we still dont know what we’re surviving for.”

We had learned much about manipulating the resources found on Earth. How many people, I mused, how many generations did it take to create the products and the understanding that enabled this airplane to come into being? And how many spent their lives focused on one tiny aspect, on one small step, without ever lifting their heads from that preoccupation?

they show us that the West is correct in maintaining that life is about progress, about evolving toward something higher. Yet the east is also correct in empasizing that we must let go of control with ego.

Before we could fully Enter the special state of mind that so many were glimpsing - the experience of ourselves moving onward in life guided by mysterious coincidences - we had to wake up to who we really are

You see, the problem in life isnt in receiving answers. The problem is in identifying your current questions. Once you get the questions right, the answers always come.

When love first happens, the two individuals are giving each other energy unconsciously and both people feel buoyang and elated. Thats the incredible high we all calling being “in love”. Unfortunately, once they expect this feeling to come from the other person, they cut themselves off from the energy in the Universe and behind to rely even more on the energy from each other - only now there doesnt seem ti be enough energy and so they stop giving each other energy and fall back into their dramas in an attempt to control each other and force others energy their way.”

You know, we look like the letter C...., the problem with this completed person, this O, that both people think they have reaches, is that it has taken two people to make this one whole person, one supplering the Female and one the male energy.

d.25/9 to 14/10 2019, lovely farm and land cruisin

Joy to the world cus i‘ve been inked!
A piece that have been on my mind ever since i connected with nature/had my spiritual awakening/ self-realisation that I am love, compassion, humble, blessed - and it was put together at last during my Vipassana course.

From the bunya seed blooms a lotus flower nurtured by the peaceful water and held by the harmonious air. Earth, fire, water and air are the elements of nature, along with consciousness. As humans we are sustained by this cake of life, and with the gift of imagination we have awareness and capeable of creation. Remembering the past, invisioning a future and aware of the present to realise truth. Everything else in our lives like science, religion and culture, are only icing on the cake. Through my journey towards ecological healing, i’ve learned to grow food, by saving seeds, caring for soil and protecting water and air, feeding and being fed by the circle of life. An experience of being a part of creating beauty with imagination and  feeling my soul flowering.  I believe the human spirit is decaying due to the lack of this sensation in society, where everything is mechanically massproduced and has lead humans down the same road. We are not creating anything out of beauty or made with hands or imagination - music is massproduced from collected data of what is most pleasureable and addictive for our ears, education is a linear path to serve a job description, culture is mostly a mainstream with norms most cannot fit (those remain are heavily threaten by globalisation and capitalism), and food is fast, can be attained anywhere at anytime and gives us cancer. Nature means birth, eco means home and poet means maker; all beings born belong here to make life. May all of us flower, realise that we are seeds of love, cherish this sacred life,  poets that make beauty and belong here as a part of nature in this ecological web of life. Some of you may also be excited for me as i now have yellow as a true part of my skin!

They chose me to be the MC of the market and through the day, inspired by formid biosphere emergency song, i sang one similar through out the day as the crowd changed. Very happy that my old buddy Mr.Phang came along so i could show him the farm and why i was so excited to live in a little treehut surrounded by mosquitos (rather than staying in his aircon’ed enormous house with 4 cars). The plants grown here is medicine. What started this for Alicia was a terrible coughing and with no other natural methods to mend it she created her own. “Although it is only treating a symptom, the shitty cityair, it brings awareness and gives people the opportunity to mend illness without further polluting air and water”. Mr.Phang says he is too old to change, that he likes his comfortable life, this might be true but change must be with Mán Mán, slow balanced flow. I told him to start coming to this market each month, i am confident that the connection with these compassionate and grounded people, the peace and calmness og this place AND the bodies nourishment from the food, will make the change happen in a lovely smooth flow. dealing with climate change doesnt have to be a fight or struggle, once our bodies connect with our nature.

I am well on my way through the land of Thailand. I thank these two seriously grand people! for giving so much confidence that citypeople have a chance at facing a chaotic future ;for showing that liberation, though troublesome, leads to happiness - the urbanfarmer path is packed incredibly challenges in an ever growing globalised world, AND their love for each other is not at all accepted in their chinese culture or by the malaysian society; for nourishing my soul with amazing meals, their harmonious energy and teachings of the local ecology;for uniting me with the ocean (penang is an harbour island with too many unswimable beaches) and a sunset at the sea; for introducing me to their local community of musicians, healers, massagers, artists, childcares, farmer friends and amazing chefs; i feel an endless gratitude, especially because i received a beautiful rythmic massage yesterday, and i am so excited for their future projects and lifejourney!

Conversation w Aapo, d.10/10
Magic in weed is lost when magic in life is lost

Sin, means meat,

Watching Wall e with the roof, not the Wall, as our screen

Maybe technology is smarter and Ai will take over the world, but even Wall e feels love. Our hearts will alaways win

Everybody needs food, that we have world hunger while others eat buffet, something is wrong. You live today with the thoughts, i cannot afford to live, and that life has a worth - its the worst thing

The worst thing you came buy for money- wearing warm clothes and paying aircon to cool you down