I am having a magical time filled with synchronicities, indulgence and learning here in Puerto Viejo, sleeping in a hammock listening to the jungle and ocean, and this place has very strong internet connection!
Life update
4th june
In 10 days or so I have been here at the Ranch for 6 months
and loads has happened. Every day I connect with gratitude and feel blessed,
for the people around me nurturing me with support, knowledge, skills, laughter
and care; for this place with space to be in personal intimacy, with wilderness
along with all its wildlife, plants, and spectacular views providing a space to
be awed by and observe all the magic; for the food that is celebrated and
honoured, and sourced with the best intentions for Earth; for everyday life
here where the resources and time necessary is given to nurture curiosity and
generate successful outcomes.
I want to break down the highlights of each month here,
because time is as it is, passing in a pace that is never either fast or slow,
it is rather set by what moves and transforms inside and outside of me. That’s
how it feels. And now is a time where I have become aware of the fact that the
daily transformations and movements I am experiencing are happening constantly.
Just like time. It takes me a step back and allows me to observe.
Arriving to Costa Rica I felt as if I was a new born, a
level 1 avatar in a game, a seed just peeking out its first leaves, completely
high on what this wonderful world would offer me. The 52 hours of travelling
took off most of the sadness of letting go of the relationships that became
like family and a place that felt like home, and the anxiety of whether where I
was going would be worth leaving all that behind.
Amazed by all the many many different ways that the Ranch is
contributing to ecological healing, a place of inspiration empowering people,
supporting the local economy promoting re-ruralisation, and valuing community,
acknowledging the complexity when living and working with different
individuals, generating contentment and happiness in humans.
It became really clear to me the main purpose of coming here
was exactly to get a broader understanding of how to live regeneratively
REGENERATIVELY, or sustainable SUSTAINABLY – and coming here shows that the
main goal is not to have everyone follow the sustainable 100% self-sufficient
livelihood path like Tom and Zaia. Now I can comfortably say that the I am the
world, messed up but beautiful, strong but also in need of healing, and so creating
a sustainable livelihood can only be in a pace where ones well-being is sustained
as well. Regeneration of Earth will not come from broken, bitter, hateful,
fearful, unloved, tired, sick, anxious humans. Im looking back now in June, so
this might I might not have been aware of this then but the fact that I am now
learning things that I feel curious about and spending my time with joy,
instead of learning specific things that I expect to be handy and needed when
shit goes down, thus spending my time worrying and in fear.
Most valuable transformation is the deepened sense of one’ness
– I no longer “have to” learn all these things so humanity has a chance to
“survive” - we’re not here to survive, but to thrive.
It was a crazy serendipitous moment when I shared Charles
Eisensteins “The more beautiful world our hearts knows is possible” (14th
june, robin already read it and timo is reading it – feeling excited) with one
from the Timber Frame course the first week who showed feelings of despair for
Earth, and literally the next day she found it in the Bunkhouse.
I became close and felt connected to Mateo and Anthony real
quick. Anthony with his plant love, observant, receiving and dancing vibe along
with his desire for sharing spanish, and
desire to learn and grow in skills and in community living. Mateo’s openness
allowed us to connect about spirituality, sexuality, and touch – I will never
forget that first shoulder massage that was so needed.
The thought of where I will be later in life was always on
my mind, making me ask myself how I was to prioritize my time and energy to
gain the relevant knowledge and skills, and make the most out of my one year
here. I remember from my first conversation with Joe, “laugh lightly, love
seriously” on how to answer this question. And as I became aware that I needed
to develop a deeper trust in myself the conversation with Nico reaffirmed this
- We both hypothesized and played with where and how we wanted to live, but in
the end we don’t know and but we will know when we’re there.
It was also a time of
deep desire to be a contribution to this place, seeking ways of being in
We had our first course, learning about timber frames, and a
broad introduction to natural building and using and maintenance of tools.
First month was a big information and stimulation overload – this space with so
much beauty, wilderness and opportunities for growth, two courses running with
between 20 and 30 people around, 14 of which my community for the next year, 6
of them of which would be my fellow apps and roomies. Finding a balance between
social and solo time, and time management was major, along with the willingness
and energy into connecting with all the interesting and incredible people who
would pass through as guests and students, some for a weekend, and others, like
this awesome farmer grandmother Gwynne, for weeks.
I remember how careless I was to hear from my mom that
Vietnam closed their borders from china due to a virus.
What I believe is valuable
Take my words seriously
It takes time to articulate sharply
Its more important to listen than to respond
Get down with local ecology
More strength in arms
By the end of the month we had been introduced to the
community structures of living here, the foodsmithery - processing cinnamon,
black pepper, 20 kg green papaya kimchi and vanilla – the AG-world in the
orchard spaces – biomass distribution, fermented microbe-tea MM to attract and
feed microbes, pruning ‘experiement’ with the cinnamon to have continuous harvests
– and also we emptied out the composted shit from last years apprentices and
fed it to fruit trees.
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