fredag den 10. januar 2020

phoney notes

Phoney notes

That friendship where people relate in mutually beneficial ways without effort; where the sum of energy is greater in depth when together; 

I am constantly looking for other words. I seek meaning and importance in almost everything i make of time. Yet i dont fully trust my natural instinct. In the same way that i spell vietnamese, i dont feel safe in my own abilities, i seek affirmation outside to make sure that i am not alone in my belief, that others believe me too. In one way i tell myself that the reason why i seek this affirmation is to get a more broad perception, but i think its mostly because i do value my own thinking. I think i have experienced too many times that what i have gained from others (ideas, ways of behaviour, thinking, information) have been more appreciated/ acknowledged/ helpful/ respected, than what i make up myself. This is the insecurity, that i observed in me while i was eating out where i was thoughfull of the “roles” in a lesbian relationship. 

To live is to act. To be is to be related. Peaceful bamboo family - ttg

Trò về Cội nguồn Nguyên thủy 

My mom doesnt know how it is to be in my chair, so she can not tell me whether to stay, to go or what to do, i have to sense myself and find my own direction. Mocking bird cafeDinh y vegetarian restaurantPhuc quang chayCatching up on 15 months of hugs, kisses and meals! Sharing my same favourite meal one year after here in Vietnam, and feeling as if the time apart never existed. There was a time where we c

Rau Bau 180 AIm reunited with family in Vietnam and it is wonderful! Yesterday i brought my mom to a friend to show how easy it is to set up a compost system, turn foodwaste and paper into soil and nourish plants.This massive apartmentcomplex with swimmingpools, tenniscourts and shoppingmalls, where my friend lives temporary, used to house normal people who grew food for the local area, but 10 yrs ago the government took it to house the bigmoney people who instead grow the economy. While many of the apartments are empty, there are thousands sleeping on the streets. While each corner have a “all-you-can-eat” buffet, and the people there have no excitement or joy eating it and most of them leave that restaurant feeling shitty both mentally and physically, there are thousands who pick garbage all day to afford one meal. We know in our hearts that this is not okay. What will you do to move it in another direction? Apart of it is to meet your own needs or have them sourced from your local community. When you deal with your own garbage, you make less, and when you prepare your own food, there is appreciation and satisfaction. Whereever there is sun there is life, find that little spot and bring plants and yourself alive! I see people eating out without any emotion of gratitude or excitement for whats on their plate and with very more contact with screens than eyes. I see people No matter the size of your house, or the number of cars you own, if you dont have time to care for your kids, youre simply not rich. 

Meditation one hour every morning and night, gives you at least two more hours mindfull each day. Its not about meditating more, but consistent practice that will lower the amount of time spend in mindlessness. You get to observe your thoughts instead of getting lost. Be in touch with your emotions without being stuck. If all is well physically you get two have the sensations of all kinds of vibrations and i offen feel like a lava lamp, in this constant flowing enlightning balancePenge gør dig i stand til at købe forsikringer, fordi det øger din usikkerhed. Du køber kun en forsikring hvis dit liv er fyldt med årsager til at være usikker

Trying to live in the city as if it were a jungle. Im swinging from street to street, holding my breath through the toxic air, harvesting the most nourishing and ethical meals on the menucards, and trying to leave a better place for future life passing by leaving behind only what can be food for life - smiles and appreciation instead of plastic and pictures on social media. I choose not to join my family for a two day trip, where the only way to get to our next destination is burning oil through an airplane. I am not sharing to receive an applause or cheers, but of joy because i am happy to do it. Im not happy only consuming in the city, with too few places to without consuming, moneyspending and silence. I can feel how i need the energy from clean air, no traffic noise and freshharvested food (my sweat is smelling so wrong after 7days in a city)

 If we are to have a relationship with the living planet we must have a connection with Earth - feel it to heal it. How can we heal someone we love when we dont anything about Earth know or see Earth as a relative? I remember how my cousins and I used to burry the dead animals that we found. imagine if the same sensitivity and care for fellow living beings existed in the city? The city is a cemetry, in front of the shopping malls with chocolate, beautycreams and tv-screens, lies the life of the suffered childlabour, bees and trees. Even more sad is it to see the humans demand it and use it, are more anxious, stressed and depressed than ever. People who lives off the lives of many, are unhappy, needing pills to get through the day and alcohol to gather socially. The youth suiciderate are increasing. Millions of homes are increasingly becoming more unliveable. 

This week in the city has been a powerful experience - challenging my faith in humanity’s ability to face climate change, and to live a happy, meaningful, connected and beautiful life.I’ve have been met with laughter, rolling eyes and frustration, from saying no to plastic, refusing bottled water and taking the train on my own instead of taking the plane with my family. I dont get angry or anoyed, only sad that they dont see or feel how their actions affect life. It is not insane to carry a 5l watercontainer and refill it, it is insane to take water from the ground, fly it thousands of kilometers and have an ocean dying from plastic.

I wish for everyone to connect with nature; the human nature, where we feel enough in our own skin and not with the right bodysize or car and allow us to act when we see someone hungry on the streets. Feel the nature that is suffering from our flights, clothes, iPhones, agricultural system and big buildings. Though it can be despairing to see the city as a cemetry, i have learned to see with other eyes: the fact that i am alive, fed and happy, makes fills me with gratitude for this planet and all the lifeforces. 

I thank the sun, life in the soil that helps the plants, the processes cleaning water and the loving energy in humanity. I am grateful for the refugee organisations and Danish government for supporting my family, my parents and friends for giving me love and confidence to follow my dreams, and every situation that has led me to where i am exactly now. The present is truly a present. 

Hope is not saying that everything is going to turn out okay as long as we have love or the right technology to suck carbon and smog out of the atmosphere, but believing that we will be good under the ups and many downs that will arise - and that needs love.- We live a life where time is money.

Discussibg whether it was fair for rich people to pay a robot to wait in line in themeparks 
i think it is wrong. It is wrong that you can buy time with money, even if it means you earned the money by “sacrificing” your time. Because time is not something you sacrifice for money or save by paying for a service, it is something you enjoy. I feel sorry for the rich people that time that is spend “waiting” for something is a waste. Time spend going from one place to another has to be quick so we dont loose time. Time spend not enjoyed is a waste, if you learn how to enjoy waiting in line with a friend or the journey towards your destination, you dont need money as much.Why is society continuing to make more faster and bigger, an ever increase in everything quantative? 

This path will only continue to increase our material needs and never get the root which lies in the less quantative and more qualitative. We would not need all sorts of diets, supplement pills, trainingprograms, and medicine if we treated the land right and ate real food grown in our biosphere; if our environment was free from chemicals and pollution; if making a living required us to interact with our surroundings and not to sit infront of a screen. Some might think that i am being idealistic or naive, but i think continuing to believe that peace and prosperity will come when the growing economy enables us to bring democracy, education and higher gdp in the world, is idealistic and naive. Do we have peace or joy in the democratic and highly-educated places of the world? Right means leads to right ends; when we force democracy and education there will be no peace. when the economy only grows by turning more that is free into money, there will only be exploitation. under these conditions there is a limit off resources and thus more fighting and never peace. Can we unlearn the conditioning of our current competitive and growthbased society, and learn how to it is to bring real peace and real joy? 

I believe it starts within, when we learn to be present and observe, rather than judging from past fears or concerns of the future. When we learn to let go of control and possessing. How can you bring peace to a place if you are the owner of the right way of living and possess the right thinking? We have not changed much since colonisation still exist - back then europeans forced the indiginous of America and australia to view the land as human ownership, today western society is forcing industry and their culture onto countries that we know of as developing countries.To not posses and force, we could start learning how it is to see a tree, a bee or the ocean for more than their services or uses. In the same way you see a parent as someone you love instead the one who feed and clothe you, how can you observe a river and feel a loving connection?

This food is beautiful in look, taste and source! Growing food and consuming only what is made in your local area is the most ethical and healthy thing you can do. I am super fortunate that i am in the tropics and things just grow all year around, so its much easier to avoid feeding into our toxic food system, exploiting humans and our living planet.My mom brought me “Danish” mandarins, a vital part of the Danish christmas, and it just hit me how crazy it is that Danes dont have a “real” Christmas without this tropical fruit! Same goes for risengrød </3

Global Industrialisation has moved rich countries into a insane foodculture, so out of touch. So far removed from the soil and the seasons.Food in supermarkets is good for business having long shelf-life, filled with sugar and addictive substances, supporting big agriculture (loosing topsoil =dessertification, toxicating water, massive foodwaste) and smothered in plastic packageing. Grow your own food, connect with your environment that loves and needs you. You combat social and environmental exploitation, while feeding yourself and with the right practice you can regenerate a part of Earth. YOU SEE WHY I WANNA BE A PEASANT FARMER??

The power of plants and community! The people behind An Nhien farm is a blessing to this world.today you sail from one side to another, but 20 years ago you walked. The changing weather patterns and floods has caused failed crops, landloss and the expansion of this “river”, forcing people to leave their homes.Five years ago they came to this land with the intention to regenerate land and people. they gathered volunteers and local villagers to plants native to the area, some with strong roots and biomass to build the soil and keep it from eroding.Big agriculture continues to clear land, underpay workers and toxicate soil, ocean and air, to plant monocrops of wheat, corn, cotton, Rice etc.The growing number of small regenerative farms are so necessary to nourish and clothe people, making us more reliable on food that heals the planet.They collaborate with more hotels in the area turning their massive foodwaste into food for the soil, and using the massive amount of leftover soapbars and linnens as an income for disadvantaged women. This amazing #upcycling helps them achieve the environmental well-being values, reducing toxic and plastic materials dumped directly into natural environment Healing the land, empowering the community and educating the youth - this is a Dream that shall be lived by many! 

The food you just LÅÅÅVE! Those dishes that you just love and want to share with everyone and if they dont like it they are seriously braindamage. Like how cant they love the taste of DELI SI OUS! Fynsk Brånner, knors pulver bernaise, banh cuon, banh xeo, che
Jeg elsker følelsen af at være græsset of svampet
I got all my loves around and behind me no matter the lonely nights - No backgammon partner, dancing soulmate, spliffbuddy, plantingpartner, foodlover.  

Maybe you would pick up some trash if it wasnt shipped to China. Maybe you would pay more for your phone if you saw how much the chinese worked for it and needed it - and if you could choose not pay Apple anything.
Er vandløb en sport
With my love for Earth, 
i am titanium
My eyes are my sword

Many all over the world are united with their families and celebrating Jesus birthday, the son of God, who would take all our sins on his shoulders and save us from the suffering from earthy life and open the doors to heaven. obviously i disagree with the Church, Earth is our heaven. 

Maybe if the Church didnt see woman as the second sex, or have a god that wont accept anything else than monogamy between man and woman, or was succesfull at inspiring people to be loving beings. We all know shitty religious people and the very bloody history of the christianity.We should continue to have this family gathering and celebrate Jesus, if it let was about getting inspired by qualities. Not to feed the capitalistic values of consumption and demands.

Lets be like Jesus, try spend 40 days isolated in the dessert and get some inward wisdom (or do vipassana), speak your heart, see everyone as a relative/sis/bro, turn water into wine and see it as your blood and the bread you share as you body (grow your own food, use compost toilets and become apart of the land), forgive out of compassion and do the right thing even if you wont be there to live with the fruits of your actions (plant a tree and care for the Earth for the next generations so there may be more to live on a living planet. 

Meditation lesson; instant roots
Instant gratification like grab food, social media, Google knowledge, plastic surgery - quick fixing all our desires and needs and not allowing us to experience life fully, degrading our patience and our ability to accept things as they are, thus needing to control it.
Roots, i can observe my thoughts and see them as what they are. Fx when my thoughts offen go to what i want to write and share on social media, which is merely an attachment my ego as one who is environmentally aware, honest and real. Or when my thoughts go to a thinking about 

Raising charity, if it is to help people on the streets or in the third world,t through materialism is like putting a plaster on a person whos hit by a bullet. Why are the people on the street or why do we have a third world? The answer comes when we ask ourselves, where does our materials come from? My environmental awareness began to expand fast after i saw Cowspiracy - it made me question where my food comes from. you see the true costs of the animal production, the exploitation of humans, and groundwater, leaving dead soil, acidification of the ocean and toxic air. It only gets worse when you see how much waste there is both in landfill and in our bodies.

This is the truth and it is a lot to take, and when we’re caught in this sick system its crazy hard to act on, it can be too hard to perceive.I am the vibekiller pointing these things out and painting the awful picture - my family are not happy to be around me. They think i am preaching and dont want to listen, because they dont feel that they are heard. I am not sure what i should do. i do listen to them, but because my perceptions are not easily understandable and probably not well articulated, it seems as if i dont. I want to be able to share with them that it wont get better if we ignore it. We can all see the person selling tickets or begging on the street, and the tourists overconsumption and meaningless selfies, and see that wealth is distributed wrongly. This we can talk about and we seek action through donating to charities or money to the person. This is “bad vibes” that we can heal through right action. But we also know that we cannot donate all our money, but we do when we are in a position to do so. So when i point out that destruction behind our lifestyle, i mean not to paralyze but to Challenge whether you are in a position to do the right action. If not, that is okay, maybe next time. 

The dying world does fill you with pain but it also makes you swim in gratitude - the worse the condition the smaller things brings you joy. Maybe there is an 6th mass extinction but you still hear birds singing. Salsa night, dancing on your own you are your own magic, being led is creating new by fusion with others or experiencing theirs

Caring more about how to make my perspective understandable or how to convince the other that i understand them - rather than speaking freely

58, 1.28, food Inc Joel salatin

Had a farewell with the ocean. Wished for a swim but it was less welcoming than the day before. The same amount of trash and dead fish, and also the water looked sick with darkbrown foam and for a second i thought it was oil. I still dont know what it was, but for a moment while my parents continues their continued conversating, i closed my eyes. for a moment i wanted to speak to her and tell my wish for her to heal, and thought of wishing her the best dealing with the damage we have caused; good luck with acidification, sealife extinction and our toxic waste. All this suffering we have caused her instead overwhelmed me, and i just felt love for her, it contained my honouring of her and my apolegies. And when i opened my eyes, that dark brown foam had almost disappeared in the part infront of me. I just looked around to compare the part in front of me with the rest of the shore and tried to understand if my eyes fooled me. I believe the dark foam had decreased alot in the water in front of me. I am so grateful for that moment. 

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