søndag den 3. marts 2019

The One Sraw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka

Hvis man er distanceret fra naturen vil man komme tættere på gennem Fukuokas historie - tror seriøst det er min ynglingsbog

To “understand nothing” in this sense, is to recognize the insuffiency og intelectual knowledge

Do nothing agricultural method: farming as simple as possible within and in cooperation with natural environment, rather than the modern approach of applyinh increasingly complex techniques to remake nature entirely for the benefit of human beings.

Human beings with their tampering do something wrong, leave the damage unrepaired, and when adverse resultat accumulate, work with all their might to correct them... It is the same with the scientist. He pores over books night and day, stramning his eyes and becoming nearsighted, and if you wonder what on Earth he has been working on all that time - it is to become the investor of eyeglasses to correct nearsightedness.

Before researchers become researchers they should become philosophers. They should considering what the human goal is, what it is humanity should create. Doctors should first determine at the fundamental level what it is human beings depend on for life.

Chemical fertilizer/ “scientific” techniques doesnt rescue natural fertility in the soil, it only “needs” rescue because natural fertility has been destroyed.

To talk about cleaning up specific cases of pollution is like treating symptoms of a disease while the root cause of the malady continues to fester.

Consumers generally assume that they have nothing to do with causing agricultural pollution. Many of them ask for food that has not been chemically treated, yet desire food out of season and not from their culture.

...but when vegetables are grown with natural ground cover in soil naturally rich in organic matter, they get a more balanced diet of nutrients...Edible plants growing on the mountain and in the meadow among a great variety of weeds and grasses, are very high in nutritional value and are also useful as medicine.
Foods that havd departed fsr from their wild state and those raised chemically or in a completely contrived environment unbalance the body chemcistry. The more out of balance one’s body becomes, the more one comes to desire unnatural foods.

The greater ones desires, the more one has to work to satisfy them.

If you think commercial vegetable are nature’s own, you are in a mig suprise. These vegetable are a watery chemical concoction of nitrogen, phosporous and potash, with a little help from seed. And thats just how it taste. And the commercial chicken eggs (you can call them eggs if you like) are nothing more than a mixture of synthetic feed, chemicals and hormones.

If you expect a bright world on the other end of the tunnel, the darkness of the tunnel lasts all the longer. When you no longer want to eat something tasty, you can taste real flavor of whatever youre eating.

A natural diet lies right at one’s feet

Farming, fishing, animal raising, the everyday realities of food, clothing, shelter, spiritual life - everything there is - must form a union with nature.

Culture is usually thought as something created, maintained and developed by humanity’s efforts alone. But culture always originates in the partnership between man and nature...When people rejected natural food and tool up refined food instead, society set on a path to its own destruction. This is because such food is not the produkt of true culture.

Doctors take care of sick people; healthy people are cared for by nature. Instead of getting sick and then becoming absorbed by a natural diet to get well, one should live in a natural environment so that sickness does not appear.

The act of defense is already an attack. Weapond for self-defense always give a pretext to those who instigate wars. The calamity of war comes from the strenghening and magnifyingbof empty distinction of self/other, strong/weak, attack/defense

The farmers long ago were peaceful, but now they are arguinh with Australia over Meat, Russia over fish and dependent on America for wheat and soybeans.

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