lørdag den 23. marts 2019


Når Zaia og Tom ikke er her, er Eros og jeg meget gode til at benytte unlimited wifi til at se permakultur videoer, ringe hjem og uploade content. I dag tog jeg på stranden efter vi ordnede dyrene, købte en ny dagbog og sten og snor til at lave en gave til mine to ynglings italianere. Jeg har optur over et interview med Bill Mollison - jeg tror jeg bliver lige så gal som han er når jeg opnår de rigtige skills til at leve bæredygtigt og lære fra mig - og hans ord på bæredygtighed rammer plet: when one creates more energy than it takes to maintain itself - pollution is everything wasted energy, everything that does go in a cycle. Listen af bøger bliver kun længere, jeg har lyttet til 4 timers podcast med Charles Eisenstein, jeg skal snakke med Rancho Mastatal mandag nat, Morag Gamble er åben for at have mig under hendes vinge når hun i august tar til Kenya/Tanzania for at undervise permakultur, mutti er klar på at flytte til sydeuropa med mig så jeg kan gro bananer, Charlie og jeg har planer om at blaffe sammen til 40hourjammin og jeg er latterlig lykkelig. Om en time kommer phil og jan forbi, og så tar holdet til Cooran Acoustic night. 


18/2 Humans are the only living thing thats works - everything else just lives. Why arent we like other animals and just LIVE - hang around, take naps, play around, have sex, eat - whenever we feel like it. We work to earn money to get what we want - having a lot of money I’ve always felt like you could do and get what you want - but I never questioned why I wanted certain things. I knew that society has told me that I need to shave my armpithair, Its hard for me now to think of what past- me “needed” and “wanted”, but now-me knows that I have everything. That I choose my happiness and capitalism is so silly.

18/2 - finished pg.126 I think my mind and the way I gaining knowledge is non-discriminating, but Ive been taught how to follow the discriminating, which is why I’ve always feared being busted for not being intellectual.

The best way to learn is by getting an answer to a question but by experiencing and gaining the knowlegde - top/down thinking and bottom/up action, which opposite to the reductionist who thinks bottom/up and expect the action to happen from top down. We need to understand how something got to where it is, and do what is in our power to affect it - not expect someone higher up or something in the future will affect one factor. Demonstrating to stop Adani is a perfect example - people only see the industry as bad guys, but its the people themselves that pays and motivates the them (Ofc the badguys are “genius” and has made people “depended” on them) we can act bottom up, instead of relying on the top-people - and how they act depends on what we want - if we want a convenient life, dont want immigrants, want big roads, low tax - how they act is what gives them power, which is the people and the industries.

Enjoy the journey - do a 10 days roadtrip instead of a flight - plant 10 plants instead of one - enjoy the way to the goal - theres plenty of things to see beside koala - its not limited, go with what you have Where you are - everything is there and what you achieve is worth cherishing

For inspiration on a outofspace-Galaxy kinda vibe you look into fungi
Dont go ask what the world needs - go out and do what makes you come alive.
You cant do great things, only small things with great love.
I want to practice kindness even harder - Even though my intention is to become happier myself, selfish, i think its beautiful that something selfish can generate joy for more than the selfish one. Permaculture is what the world needs, and has become what makes me come alive. What the world also needs, and what permaculture is all about, is to get a way from Economies a scale. Today Tom talked about its the reason why 8 companies own the majority of companies. How it destroys communities because theres only one big monoculture farms that wants to grow bigger and it fails at a certain point, and all is left is crap soil, no people wanting or capeable of repairing soil or growing the crop - and before that the farmer hardly made money and the people got a crop filled with chemicals and fueled on oil to produce the chemicals, run the massive machines and shop the produce.

Being outside the pendul - instead powering the thing we want to fight/solve/change. To create change thats what we all desire - but the way to do it is never going to be solved or satisfying if we keep believing that it will happen when the enemy is eliminated. The enemy is driven by the same as we are - and if we won’t get any where if we keep believing that eliminating one another is the way. Phil is making me realize that life still is wonderful even when them he work with are crap and his father is dying. I admire him.

When we approach with reverence, great things will decide to approach us. We can’t control what comes into our lives, but we can control how we respond to it
Grief is a way of protest: it’s a way of saying I refuse to live numb and small. What I am experiencing is acceptable.
Todays society - amnesia and anesthesia: forget and go numb.

fredag den 22. marts 2019

Apprenticeship application - Rancho Mastatal

  1. Why are you applying to be an apprentice at the Ranch? What do you hope to get out of your experience?
    I am applying because living to heal and sustain life makes me come alive, and I hope to gain the knowledge and skills through an apprentice at the Ranch! I only recently aiming for this after discovering permaculture in december 2018, and it is a very transformative experience so far. Until 6 months ago I had spend all my life in a city, so from being a citygirl to now where I honestly do not know what I would spend my time on other than learning about sustainable living, expand my connection with nature and share this with likehearted people. I hope to observe, engage in and contribute to communities, and become confident in building them myself. I see this as a stepping stone on my journey towards a regenerative lifestyle where I most efficient can create social change as well. David Holmgren sums it up my expectations very nicely when he says " When we all become permaculture jacks-of-all-trades, building houses, gardening and self-reliant, as well as being self-employed and involved in community affairs, we have more chance of developing an intuitive sense of the patterns of resource allocation that work." -  I want more experience with sustainable living and I believe your place would be perfect.
  2. What skills, interests, and/or experience will you bring with you?
    In june 2019 I will have done my first PDC at Kendall Permaculture and by that time I have also volunteered at his permaculture demonstration site for 6 months with similar experience to your life skills tasks, such as managing a cow-manure biodigester, chopping wood and making fire for hot showers, and harvesting bananas. So far I've been here for 3 months and helped building a big swale, managing 5 cows, 5 goats and 80 chickens, preserving of crops and taking care of a big veggie garden. And I dont know what other skills I will gain from his site, but this is such a valuable experience for me as I used to live very disconnected to nature. Last week I went to a talk about apothecary, and by the end of april I will have done a Lomi Lomi massage course. I will bring some skills and experience in my interests, which at the moment is all about sustain and heal natures and our health. My Australian visa expires in september, and if I get an a apprentice at the Ranch I might have experience from working on an organic vegetable farm in Tasmania and from volunteering on an aquaculture farm in Vietnam. Other than hands on interests, I want to be better at creating space with open hearts and give peace to suffering minds.
  3. Have you lived in community before, and if so, what was it like?
    I have not lived in community before, but I have done a lot of volunteering work and have got an understanding of how many different personalities and needs requires tolerance, patience and clear communication.
  4. Tell us about your work ethic.
    I want to finish a task and gladly put my name on it! I will gladly put my name on something that has been done well and efficient, and where ones involved feel satisfied. In my experience so far it is done best when ones invovled are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, where every effort is appreciated and with a focus on the task with a clear understanding of its purpose and the overall goal. I have greater trust in strategies that are made from cooperation, so when I take on the leader hat Im very open. My work ethics are alligned with the ethics and principles of permaculture, which makes hard work so enjoyable!
  5. Do you consider yourself to be a positive force?
    Yes and I see it as the fuel for resilience. All the things I desire to learn and gain at the Ranch, I believe will be learned and gained at sometime if others apprentice application overshines mine. My positive force has become so much stronger after discovering permaculture, which main goal I believe is to enhance living systems to benefit all life. Also I use singing, dancing and being silly as my positivity tools!
  6.  What do you like to do in your free time?
    I read a lot at the moment, Im surrounded by amazing permaculture books and just finished "The one-straw revolution". I have whole days free in the weekends and the other volunteers and I play board games, go to the beach, experiment with processing food and go out for live music. I love swimming, whether its a creek, pond or the ocean, and dancing, both are like meditation for me. Im also very interested in photography, though im not very skilled, I take alot and enjoy taking pictures of special moments, giving those a part of them a story to hold on to and share.
  7. Is there anything else that you'd like to tell us about yourself?
    I am like the people who's interested in the Ranch, very passionate about healing our shared home, and it excites me and brings me joy in life that there are so many ways to do it. I feel very hard and I felt all the individual, collective, social, cultural and ecological suffering of the world, and before permaculture I was completely paralyzed. Feeling this urgency to act, I tried to affect those around me towards sustainable awareness by trying to put my fears on them, but I was left more isolated and in apathy. With the awareness gained so far on my permaculture journey I feel love very hard from all the individuals, collective movements and communities I've met, that driven by love to Earth live to social, cultural and ecological healing. Other than that I really hope to hear from you!

søndag den 3. marts 2019

The vegetarian myth by Lierre Kieth

Det her var den første bog jeg læste da jeg ankom hertil og efter 2 uger ikke længere ville kalde mig selv veganer - bogen får også en tættere på naturen - ellers har ham her fanget den diæt jeg nu kører på! http://ranchomastatal.com/blognewsletter/2018/6/2/flexitarianism-living-and-sharing-solutions-to-climate-change?fbclid=IwAR0vl37DlTwa_9gebsCEjv-ZmWI98WHTF0gQx1lnStLV6TzrqxkYZZbTzmE

Pt læser jeg skiftevis Rosemary Morrows permakultur bog, David Holmgrens bog om permakulturs principper, Paulo Coehlos The pilmgrimage, Paul Stamets svampe bog og genlæser Fukuoka. Listen af bøger jeg vil læse fortsætter, og det stresser mig at der allerede er gået 2 måneder her og jeg har været afsted i et halvt år.
Har brugt lang tid på at skrive om hvad jeg har lært indtil nu - men fordi jeg håber på at det kan inspirere andre, ender jeg med at blive al for selvkritisk og forlade det - samtidig stresser det mig fordi jeg føler at den bevidsthed jeg bevæger mig mod er vanvittig vigtig -

Technological solutions cant do it all, we cant just change the lightbulbs - we have to change ourselves and our worldview and our place in the World.
Accelerating climate chaos - Lets learn from plants, already converted to 100% solar economy, creating food, medicine, food. They build soil rather than destroying, they filter water, sequest carbon, make beauty, they make it rain, Reforestaion is the way, unfortunatly we’ve creating such a surplus of carbon input, we have to find a way of living that creates a surplus of carbon absorption Indiginous/tribal has so much ecological knowledge that can teach us how to live lightly and lovingly in harmony with nature. They teach us to pay attention to and be present in nature - create a relationship to the land - to live as if our grandparents are in the land - to live as if that that specific tree/ river is going to be our source of life. Sustain the living Earth by honorable harvest, the living Earth can sustain us

The challenge of adulthood is to remember our ethical dreams and visions in the face of the complexities and frank dissapointments if reality In dreams begin responsibilities yes, but with understanding comes more. Eventually we see our only choices; the death thats destroying life or the death thats a part of life

The One Sraw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka

Hvis man er distanceret fra naturen vil man komme tættere på gennem Fukuokas historie - tror seriøst det er min ynglingsbog

To “understand nothing” in this sense, is to recognize the insuffiency og intelectual knowledge

Do nothing agricultural method: farming as simple as possible within and in cooperation with natural environment, rather than the modern approach of applyinh increasingly complex techniques to remake nature entirely for the benefit of human beings.

Human beings with their tampering do something wrong, leave the damage unrepaired, and when adverse resultat accumulate, work with all their might to correct them... It is the same with the scientist. He pores over books night and day, stramning his eyes and becoming nearsighted, and if you wonder what on Earth he has been working on all that time - it is to become the investor of eyeglasses to correct nearsightedness.

Before researchers become researchers they should become philosophers. They should considering what the human goal is, what it is humanity should create. Doctors should first determine at the fundamental level what it is human beings depend on for life.

Chemical fertilizer/ “scientific” techniques doesnt rescue natural fertility in the soil, it only “needs” rescue because natural fertility has been destroyed.

To talk about cleaning up specific cases of pollution is like treating symptoms of a disease while the root cause of the malady continues to fester.

Consumers generally assume that they have nothing to do with causing agricultural pollution. Many of them ask for food that has not been chemically treated, yet desire food out of season and not from their culture.

...but when vegetables are grown with natural ground cover in soil naturally rich in organic matter, they get a more balanced diet of nutrients...Edible plants growing on the mountain and in the meadow among a great variety of weeds and grasses, are very high in nutritional value and are also useful as medicine.
Foods that havd departed fsr from their wild state and those raised chemically or in a completely contrived environment unbalance the body chemcistry. The more out of balance one’s body becomes, the more one comes to desire unnatural foods.

The greater ones desires, the more one has to work to satisfy them.

If you think commercial vegetable are nature’s own, you are in a mig suprise. These vegetable are a watery chemical concoction of nitrogen, phosporous and potash, with a little help from seed. And thats just how it taste. And the commercial chicken eggs (you can call them eggs if you like) are nothing more than a mixture of synthetic feed, chemicals and hormones.

If you expect a bright world on the other end of the tunnel, the darkness of the tunnel lasts all the longer. When you no longer want to eat something tasty, you can taste real flavor of whatever youre eating.

A natural diet lies right at one’s feet

Farming, fishing, animal raising, the everyday realities of food, clothing, shelter, spiritual life - everything there is - must form a union with nature.

Culture is usually thought as something created, maintained and developed by humanity’s efforts alone. But culture always originates in the partnership between man and nature...When people rejected natural food and tool up refined food instead, society set on a path to its own destruction. This is because such food is not the produkt of true culture.

Doctors take care of sick people; healthy people are cared for by nature. Instead of getting sick and then becoming absorbed by a natural diet to get well, one should live in a natural environment so that sickness does not appear.

The act of defense is already an attack. Weapond for self-defense always give a pretext to those who instigate wars. The calamity of war comes from the strenghening and magnifyingbof empty distinction of self/other, strong/weak, attack/defense

The farmers long ago were peaceful, but now they are arguinh with Australia over Meat, Russia over fish and dependent on America for wheat and soybeans.