We are not brave, we simply do what brings us happiness. It is courage, which comes from love.
Rich community is wealth. I trust that these kiddos will have a beautiful life although their home will be under water soon. they are rich in social capital, with a if-you-win-I-win culture, not with scarcity from the capitalistic if-you-win-I-loose culture.
City people are rich in financial and “cultural” capital, while village people are rich in social capital.
Even though Annie and her partner make less money now (quitin their cityjobs) they are able to save them up, because instead of driving somewhere to buy stuff, or hiring someone to get something done, they have a community from which they can borrow stuff and technical skills, and natural systems that they can make use of as they are managed sustainabelly - each plant is harvested with honour and anything taken is never wasted.
These kiddos will be alright, maybe they will benefit when volunteers here increase their cultural capital, (learning english, playing chess, reading books) which might help them increase them financially someday, but it seems irrelevant with climate change happening. by the time this place gets under water, food and water will be scarce, they either find a way to build livelihood in the mountains or on water, and its going to be their social capital that will sustain them. They know, care for and share with one another. They can look around and know what plants are food or medicine. They care for the life around them
Gratitude is the knowledge that we receive and the desire to give in return
Today i grief for the vietnamese girls whose hormones are so disturbed that they start having period at age 6. in south east asia families are fed the information (big cooperations push the governments) that powdered milk is essential to enhance their childrens growth and performance school. And the GMO soy feed and drugs filled with synthetic chemicals that these trapped cows (with utters so pumped that if they move it will crack) are fed, is fucking up their hormones.
I want to nourish people, heal land and create opportunities for all life to flourish. I am so grateful for this life - big agriculture has not yet dessertified all soil, poisened all water, and my body and mind still functions even though i have done fair part of sick-food consumtion. Although brougt up in a sickening conditions, places like these are helping me heal, this my desire to give healing in return is massive. I cannot stop big co-operations or push governments to make a more beautiful world, but i can co-create one where i am with the ones around me. Now the healing is time for making art, removing plastic around the river and grow food ourselves. Future me wants to create the same!
The more of life we convert into money, the more we need money to live. Our money system needs eternal growth
What do i seek in Costa rica
What is it like to feel loved, act from love and express it?
Life is simply just being itself. With No hiercahal and value difference between small and big, seen and unseen.
The individual bees wouldnt care to much if we tried to warn them from being killed by a smack or a spray, because they dont have a selfish desire to stay alive as long as possible - instead they are simply living, doing what they’re on that day in that moment for the collective good of the beehive. Are we humans that intelligent then, imagine if we all individual did what we did for the greater good of tgis planet? Isnt that the collective good?
The bees are kissing me with their awareness
Derrry gensunes, asks a duck or chickes to volunteer to die - a language older than words
Becoming an animal
We are so stimulated but none of those things hardly moves us
Are we going to change when we are utterly forced to? Earth will be delighted, life has compassion for humanity who have lost our ways and have little space to feel grief - some people get money from oil companies to do nothing about it.
Phải tiết kiểm ga mình cho hết cuộc sống của mình
Connection to each other, why i want to live in Việt Nam!
Never sto
Missing the blue of the ocean
As the ethical slut i find this pleasurable and sex is pleasure
Make life pleasureable and turn your life into a perfect porn
It is magically numbing
Like being choked and then faint
Gốc cây nguồn nước
Be in service to the land, against the “wealth” and ease of city
I Can Ding outloud in the city because everyone is to busy to care, and in the forrest i have a qouir of birds, a Symphony of life and trees as my wind instrument.
I hesitate to use the face masks to prevent the smog into my lungs. Or Healing rocks that balance out the destructive wavelenghts of wifi/4g that make insects go extinct and our cells mutate. Extra nutrition pills to make up for the malnutrion from the food made from dying soils. Or drink bottled water to avoid the germs. We can not block it out and end up living in a distilled, bacteriafree, smogfree bubble with a dead planet outside.
Whether youre concious of it or not, you’re on the right path, everything is happening for you (not against) for your flowering. You will withstand the dark times, or be food for soil.
Baked pumpkin seeds with salt
Victor hugo, nothing more powerful than an idea which time has come
Cannot fill the void, fashion is the worst because you throw out something in good condition, but it becomes out of fashion, not when its unuseful.
All the things that we have to give up, we are not going to miss.
Everything that you leave without any attention will decay, get your body a massage, bring mental peace with meditation, eat ethical and nourish
When you dont pay attention to what you eat; when your mind needs rest; how your emotional state is; when you body needs nurture; and what your heart says - you will decay mentally, physically and on a soul level.
Whenever I meet people who believe that people dont care about nature and are just greedy and evil (which belief i sometimes also fall into), i try to tell them otherwise. I believe that so many are too broken, insecure or anxious to care and pay attention. We have an economic system that tells you that you can never have enough, that you will always need more and bigger. capitalism and industrialisation has grown at the same rate as the amount of medicated people, anxiety, obesity, eating-disorder, loneliness and suicide rates. So many people feels more comfortable with screens than with eyecontact.
This is why personal healing is “environmental” healing.
One wants to be loved, in lack thereof admired, in lack thereof feared, in lack thereof loathed and despised. One wants to instill some sort of emotion in people. The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price.
My friend who i share so much with. Connection with nature. Relationship to money. Love for coconut, peanutbutter, dancing, massage and radical vulnerability.
Feels more confident on her own than around more people, where their presence and connection is more distant, hence prefering to be with one person.
Doesnt believe in some higher force that makes everything “meant to be” in your life. Happiness is where you are and within, something you are in power of, whether mentally adjusting yourself or a change in your physical situation. You cannot control what comes into your life, but you can control how to deal with it and where to go from there.
Community life is a circulation of gifts, not money. Here we depend on a good relationship to each other, which is why i today gave her some of fermented cabbage that was made using the sour water from one if hers ferments. All the old ladies approved and thinks i would make a vietnamese man very happy
I think our current money system is broken, but I dont want to abolish money, i just want it to decrease its role in our life. Today it seems to give us the freedom to do whatever we want, but doesnt that also mean that we almost cant do anything without it? Where is the freedom, if we cannot live without money?
“Our very human relationships and abilities have been taken away from us and sold back, so that we are now dependent on strangers, and therefore on money, for things few
humans ever paid for until recently: food, shelter, clothing, entertainment, child care, cooking. Life itself has become a consumer item.”
Loi is Constant being without expression.
Sara and I with water and wind
How a seed landed in the rock and eventually split the it in many pieces:
Being is all we can do. Under the inhuman conditions and system we try to survive the insanity.